Spartan 3 OEM is a low-cost, miniature Wideband O2 Controller suitable for integration into your own products/projects. Spartan 3 OEM is a complete Wideband O2 Controller requiring only an external inline fuse on 12[V] supply. Spartan 3 OEM is based on our Spartan 3 Wideband Controller. Spartan 3 OEM has CAN Bus.
For evaluation, we recommend Assembled LSU 4.9 Connector which solders directly to Spartan 3 OEM modules.
Spartan 3 OEM Specifications:
- Dimensions: 74mm x 18mm
- Compatible with Bosch LSU 4.9, Bosch LSU Adv, and clone LSU 4.9 sensors
- Does not require Free Air Calibration but FAC is available. Recommended for clone LSU sensors only
- Accuracy: 0.01[Lambda]
- Typical Response Time, Free Air to 0.8[Lambda]: 10[ms] in Performance Mode 1, 20[ms] in Performance Mode 0
- Integrated 5v Power Supply with Over-Voltage, Over-Current, and Reverse Polarity Protection
- Outputs: Programmable Linear, Programmable Simulated Narrowband, UART, CAN
- Default Linear Output: 0v @ 0.68 Lambda linear to 5v @ 1.36 Lambda
- Default Simulated Narrowband switch point @ 1.00 Lambda
- UART specifications: 5v, 9600 Baud, 8 Data Bits, 1 Stop Bit, No Parity, No Flow Control
- CAN Bus support for the following ECUs; Megasquirt 3, Adaptronic, Link, Haltech, HP Tuners, as well as YourDyno dyno controller are supported
- CAN Bus output of Lambda or %O2
- Operating Voltage 8[V] to 18[V]
- Typical 12[V] Operating Current: 1[A]
- Max 12[V] Operating Current: 3[A]
- Operating Temperature: -40[C] to +105[C]
- Lambda Range: 0.6[Lambda] to 3.4[Lambda]
- %O2 range: 0%O2 to 21%O2
- Lean Burn mode for lean burn applications
- Smart Heatup; RPM Triggered Heating of the oxygen sensor for MS3 ECU over CAN
- Smart Heatup; Temperature Triggered Heating, Spartan 3 OEM will wait for the Oxygen sensor to be heated to 350C by engine exhaust gases before heating up the sensor
- Output Sequencer provides a dual-level precision voltage signal to the Linear Output during sensor heatup.
- 0.1% tolerance components for all components that affect accuracy
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